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Book Writing Service From Desktop To Bookshop

Biography | Thesis to Book | Memoir | Self Help

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Book Writing

Do you know that here at Book Writing, we provide a full range of writing services for people who want to see their names in print, and PhD scholars, just like you? There are thousands of people around the world who have great interest in writing and reading, but since they are so engaged in their hectic lifestyles and professions that they almost find it impossible to get grab some time for writing, or even for the first draft. Every person has a story to tell and they do it all the time and that is talking with friends, neighbours, colleagues and family telling all about their experiences and recent happenings. The ideas are tremendous. Telling a story is never ending process. Hundreds of people out of thousands desire to do it professionally, and they are so passionate about it that they don’t hesitate to get professional writing services to get the things done. Money doesn’t matter here! It is investment for the fruitful result. We have a great respect for those people who approach us with the sheer attitude and says over the phone “Hey, Sir, I have an idea for a story and I will need your help.” Most of the clients have not much idea about the writing process and this is where our expertise supports them.

A Brief Info About US

We are an educational agency whose mission is to provide top class educational admission service. Our clients include PhD scholars to 10th class students. But here we only deal with professional writing support which we recently launched in 2019, and we are open everybody, whether you are a scholar, MBA, working professionals, if you an interest in getting published we are for you! From Biography Writing to Thesis to Book, to Self-help to Memoir, we are open for all types of writing within the Non-fiction genre. The moment you talk about your project with us it becomes our project, from writing to graphics to publishing, we handle everything, from start to finish. Click Genre to read more briefs about the types of writing we do! If you any project just don’t hesitate to send us an email or contact us in Quick Contact mode, the response will arrive almost immediately.

Why Choose Us

Excellent Ideas

A simple idea can be converted into Excellent ideas when told very well with story-telling and excellent writing.

Writing & Publishing

We help you with writing, from drafts to the publishable standard, until we publish your work in paperback.

Cover Design

Design and illustrations are always eye-catching; here we are highly professional. Complex ideas into graphics.

Great Titles

An important factor in selling your stories; we love to know your story until we have found a Perfect Title for you.

Original Contents

When you tell us your story for the writing project then contents are naturally original, we can make it great.

Marketing and Distribution

This is the final stage of writing process! Congratulation, your book has been published! Now time to make it known!

We Would Always Like To Give You A Great Understanding Of How Our Writing & Publishing Work. Please Download The Form Of Writing Service.

Our PPT Proposal for Kids Book Writing


In this presentation you are going to meet 8 kids who will guide you through this presentation. We are presenting a Book Writing Proposal for your consideration.


schoolkids enjoy a lot! We are always excited about innovative ideas in the form of stories. We are greatly attracted towards eye-catching graphics.


We love interesting stories told with great illustrations together could help children imagine things. That’s the very foundation of creativity.


is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. This is the approach we proceed with. We are now prepared and willing to accept proposal.


We appreciate high quality sources to craft excellent study materials for educational institutions, Book Writing can produce.


Book Writing can understand the psychology of children so obviously they are deeply focused on Our Areas of Interests’ and type stories.


Polish and Publish Service

Every word that is written should be so accurate and to the point and error free which give the readers an impression that the book is worthy of recommending to their connections. We make it happen!

Polishing requires a great deal of time, energy and efforts otherwise it would fail to grab attention it deserves. We have seen that there are many published books out there, lying in the heaps of others.

Book Writing
Book Writing

From Desktop to Bookshop

Yes, that’s our commitments! We love to help you with writing, developing from the first draft to the many to the publishable standard and finally to the published book!

Our focus is so great on marketing part that we do all things possible to push your books among the books standing with eye-catching graphics on shelves of a Bookshops! The book lovers are most likely to find your book!

Writing Genres

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are you and what you do?

    • We provide a range of writing services within Non-fiction genre, based on your story-our words.

  • Are you a publisher, or publication house?

    • No! We’re just a helper but we do make arrangements with a publisher to publish your woks.

  • How can you get me published as getting published is tough?

    • Self-publishing! No traditional Publishing, but in a case your become popular, you might have the luck.

  • What writing genres do you cover?

    • From biography to self-help to memoir, everything within non-fiction genre. No Novel writing please.

  • Do you help with writing Articles for scholars?

    • Yes, we do! We have different sections for this. Contact us via our contact form and get response.

  • Where are you located & can I have an appointment?

    • Rohini, New Delhi. See details on footer section! Your appointment is welcome if scheduled!

  • How much time do you take in completing a book?

    • It takes months, roughly between 3 to 4 months! Depending upon length of the book and your availability!

  • Is it possible to make money by selling my book?

    • It is possible, there are hundreds of best-selling authors who self-published their books, and got popular! .